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Northanger Abbey: between the gothic novel and the novel of sensitivity

Northanger Abbey: between the gothic novel and the novel of sensitivity

Northanger Abbey” is one the keys to understand the evolution of Jane Austen’s

personal style from the Juvenilia to the mature works. This novel is the bridge between the two periods of the author and it is particularly interesting because it was not entirely revised by Austen. The novel shows the attempt of the author to find her personal voice in a wide literary scene. Indeed the cultural developments of the 18th century influenced Austen so much that in her works she tried to represent the times she lived in. In “Northanger Abbey” she analyzes the two main novel trends of her period pointing out their limits and their strengths. The investigation of the novel of sensibility and the gothic one is achieved through parody. It is important to underline that the sarcastic tone of the text connects the Juvenilia with her mature works but we also find other connections between the two periods because of the content. This essay will investigate how Austen shapes her realism while parodying other genres and creating a dialogue with the audience.


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Simona Ciavolella


Riccardo Capoferro

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