Privacy Policy 2018 - Pagina 7 di 10 - The Serendipity Periodical

Francesca Garolla – intervista

“Io traccio il mio bersaglio intorno all’oggetto colpito, io non colgo nel segno, ma segno ciò che colgo, baro, scelgo il mio centro dopo il tiro e come un’arma difettosa di cui conosco lo scarto, adesso miro alla mira” Con queste parole del poeta romano Valerio Magrelli ci saluta a fine intervista Francesca Garolla. Un […]


I woke up in the middle of the night After feeling that this tension is really high. Meanwhile you get back to your home I suddenly feel so fucking alone Because you can hear your loneliness But I can’t, ‘cause I’m mindless In this time of the year I need promises That you could keep, […]

The Gym – poem

– Poem published on Drosophila –   Mon:   Silverbacks sweating, searching for satisfaction Tue:    By creatine and carbs created complexion Wed:   Introverted into intense inspection Thu:    Rarely reaching the requested reflection Fri:     Altering appearances to acquire affection Sat:     Plan of action: pursuing perfection Sun:    Six days a […]

Sent out – short story

Drosophila – short story A river flows through the forest and we are stomping through it. Ready for the biggest adventures that await us along the way. Our eyes are scanning the bottom of the river. Maybe some fish or even hidden treasures lurk down there. Who may own this boot that sits enthroned on […]

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